Saturday, January 22, 2011

Jewelry Blog

Jewelry Blog

Silver and Gold
A few interesting facts regarding Silver and Gold.

Silver is one of the most magically powerful elements on Earth. It has been used throughout history to attract wealth, health and love. Pure sterling silver also enhances and empowers psychic abilities and intuitive perception. What's more, silver's relaxed, reflective energy magnifies the powers of everything around it.

History of Silver

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au (from its Latin name aurum) and atomic number 79. It is a highly sought-after precious metal which has been used as money, a store value and in jewelry since the beginning of recorded history. The metal occurs as nuggets or grains in rocks, underground "veins" and in alluvial deposits. It is one of the coinage metal. Gold is dense, soft, shiny and the most malleable and ductile substance known. Pure gold has a bright yellow color traditionally considered attractive.

Gold Properties - One of gold's foremost qualities is its nontarnishing durability. Though submerged in salt water for hundreds of years, the ancient Spanish coins mentioned above looked brand new when they were discovered. Gold also has a dense atomic structure and is extremely heavy. It is malleable, and can be pounded into gold leaf so thin as to let light shine through and that objects can be seen through it, reportedly as thin as 4/1,000,000 (four millionths) of an inch. It is also ductile. Just one ounce of gold can be drawn out into a fine wire more than 37 miles long! Gold's tensile strength is 18,000 psi in the cast conditon and 32,000 psi after 60 percent reduction. Annealed gold has 45 percent elongation and a Brinell hardness value of 25. The melting point for gold is 1945.4 degrees Farenheit and it can be worked at any temperature below this point. Unless one is licensed, it is illegal to deal in gold.

History of Gold

Stop by, leave a blog about jewelry, beads or findings. (no adult sites please.)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bebirian Art For Sale

One of my favorites, as roses are a favorite of mine! Walter Paul Bebirian art for sale!

I am not a blogger nor a writer of words, so I am making a blog of pictures! Sit back, enjoy a few of my favorites from artist/photographer Walter Paul Bebirian!


Fashion Photography!


Click on the title Bebirian Art For Sale to go to another page to view over 46,000 digital artworks by Walter Paul Bebirian.
Thank you,
Angie Baker

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Whats in a blog

Whats in a blog, that is the question. A blog is another form of a diary, at least that is what some seem to be. Some are blurbs about expertise in a certain field or knowledge base. Some are witty, some are sad, some are boring, but they all are still blogs.

Why am I writing this blog. In order to get a blog on google, one must first write a blog. That means one must have something to blog about. That is why I chose blog. A simple subject that can sometimes be not so simple to do.